Thursday, June 5, 2014

Ch. 2, Page 26

Tenser was acting brave, but he was not feeling brave. He had a dagger and he knew how to use it, but he was unarmored. His opponent had both armor and a sword and, sadly, Tenser knew how this usually played out. Without spells, Tenser had almost no resources to tip the scales. He had a few material components for spells in hidden pockets of his robes. A crystal, a glowworm, a handful of sand...

Maybe Tenser had a plan after all.

"I'm willing to be sporting," Gronan said.  "I'll fight you with my dagger."

"You could drop your sword," Tenser said.

"I'm not willing to be that sporting."  Gronan lunged.
Click to enlarge or view here.


  1. Well-played, Tenser, well-played! :D


  2. The sand in the eye trick. Or is that diamond dust? You can never tell with wizards.

  3. If he was higher level already, it could be powdered cockatrice...

  4. Diamond dust---I hadn't thought of that---it would really hurt. But given how early in Tenser's career it is, I imagine it's sand for _sleep_, or perhaps Sea Monkeys eggs ;->


  5. Ah, caught up! Missed this comic!

    Sand, definitely sand. Too low level for anything else at this point, or should I say "too poor?" LOL
