Gronan's description of a secret entrance to
Castle Greyhawk
proved to be accurate; it was the first of three they found in the
coming months. Each expedition under the old castle ruins seemed to lead
to a new, previously undiscovered section of the dungeon. And the
dungeon ran deep -- a fourth, fifth, and even a sixth level were discovered, each deeper than the last. There were hundreds
of corridors and over a hundred rooms mapped so far, some of which had
once served purposes, like barracks or storerooms, while other rooms
seemed to have never existed for any purpose at all except to be found
by explorers.
And there were always monsters. Every few rooms they would find them -- more kobolds and ogres, giant rats and giant snakes, orcs and gnolls, skeletons and zombies, and creatures both more monstrous or strange. Almost always, the encounters ended disastrously for the monsters, leaving unguarded treasure for the taking.
It was the looting of
Castle Greyhawk that always attracted the attention of rival adventurers fastest. Loose alliances began to form between them as they found ways to cooperate in the dungeons, back and forth to the dungeons, or back in the city. Six months after the bandit camp was burned down, one alliance of adventurers in particular seemed to have the advantage over all the others...
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