Monday, January 22, 2018

Ch. 5, Page 10

Tenser wanted to go fetch his spellbook right away. Even a simple spell, like one that would allow him to detect the invisible, would be immensely valuable in this situation, if he only had time to prepare it. That is what he tried to convince Robilar about on their way to Lucien's Stables, anyway.

"I know how long it takes you magicians to prepare new spells," Robilar said stubbornly. "We need the dogs first while we wait."

Robilar had always been, of course, an intense man, but Tenser sensed that there was something else underlying Robilar's tone this day. Dread? Fear? They seemed to be things unknown to the man. And yet...

Tenser pondered this more intently as he waited outside. Robilar, Quij, and Otto were heading into the stables.


  1. Ha! Called it! A stable will probably have plenty of sawdust and hay, might be able to make it a VISIBLE Stalker!

  2. Oh Charlie, good call. I thought of adding some dung but yeah there's enough debris right?

  3. I'm glad we didn't go that route; having the stalker step in poop wasn't really the mood I was going for here...

    1. It's exactly the mood that most players would go for if they thought of it! Invisible stalkers are nasty brutes, so any advantages you can get, even... crude ones... are to be taken! Of course, I'm sure Tenser has a more elegant, magical solution.

  4. Informal poll: should or shouldn't the invisible stalker step in poop? Sound off in the comments section!

    1. Haha, seems a bit comical! Poor elemental doesn't even want to be here, stepping in manure and then being stabbed would just be enough for it to never show it's face again... which wouldn't be too hard if you're invisible.
      Hope they brought enchanted weapons!

    2. Would not do it. I doubt the stable is littered with it. Unless it's a badly maintained establishment, one would expect to walk in a relatively clean place to look around and inspect the horses. A horse could kick though, feeling something, being nervous, one well placed kick could spoil the surprise attack...
