Monday, June 25, 2018

Ch. 5, Page 18

The remaining mastiff barked angrily at the rooftop a few more times, then turned and went back to where its companion lay still in the road. The still-living mastiff laid down beside the other one and went silent, only staring up at Robilar as he went running past them.

"I'd love to cut that thing in half, Rob..." Quij growled, gripping the haft of his battleax nearly hard enough to break it.

Robilar paused, listened, and over the background din of the city, he was able to make out the faint sound of roof tiles clattering. And that was when he knew he had the stalker where he wanted it.

1 comment:

  1. It's almost a fair fight now. Not an ideal situation for the poor stalker!
